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ARC and its Programs

Saturday, May 17, 2025
10:00 am11:00 am

Zoom Saturday Seminar
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025
Time: 10 AM - 11:00 AM

ARC and its Programs
Activities, Recreation, and Care (ARC) has been engaging over the last few years to build diverse programs that are welcoming and beneficial to adults with IDD between the ages of 22 through the golden years. In addition, ARC has developed a vision for a “continuum of care” with a range of housing options. Threaded through all our programs includes our emphasis on providing dementia capable care, supported by partnerships with NTG and Onegeneration. This includes a rethinking of programs, organizational structure, and advocacy partners within the regional centers.

Jennifer Pippard is the Executive Director of Activities, Recreation, and Care (ARC) in North Hollywood, which supports adults with intellectual disabilities and is launching a home for those affected by dementia. She is a long-time advocate and systems change champion for families and communities. She worked at First5LA for 17 years as Director of Strategic Partnerships and held leadership positions with the City of LA's Commission for Children, Youth and Their Families. Jennifer began her career as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ecuador and holds an M.S.W. from USC. She is also a board member of Grand Performances and USC’s CSWA.